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Была на сайте более двух недель назад


Женщина, 42 года, родилась 7 ноября 1982

Китай, готова к переезду (Акташ (Узбекистан), Вьетнам, Индия, Камбоджа, Китай, Шри-Ланка), готова к командировкам

Regional marketing manager

  • Менеджер по продажам, менеджер по работе с клиентами

Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость

График работы: гибкий график, удаленная работа

Опыт работы 25 лет 3 месяца

Ноябрь 2019по настоящее время
5 лет 5 месяцев
Shanghai Eminent Engineering Co.,Ltd

Китай, en.eminent-china.com

Промышленное оборудование, техника, станки и комплектующие... Показать еще

Regional marketing manager
• working towards closing new deals in sales/distribution/licensing. And supervising the execution of the current projects. • review and develop existing business processes. • Represent Company’s interests on the assigned territory • Promote sales based on the existing distributors-importers • Introduce new distributors • Make contracts with networks • Enter and promote sales on electronic trading platforms • Develop sales targets for new territories, attract new customers • Make contracts with networks. • Cold call • Generate new sales leads and maintain existing leads • Visit international events, present novelties, hold strategic meetings with business partners and look for new selling opportunities.
Июль 2018Август 2019
1 год 2 месяца
LLC «Nissi». Garment production factory


Товары народного потребления (непищевые)... Показать еще

Head of Sales Department for factories capacities
• Advisory services in Apparel Sector • Searching for the garment (woven, jersey, knitting ) orders to produce it in own factories. • Organization of participation our company in international garment fairs (Apparel Sourcing Paris, СРМ - COLLECTION PREMIÈRE MOSCOW). Work on fairs. • Communication with international buyers. • Managing orders from style request to shipment. • Price calculation. • Samples development. • Checking the timing for production of all orders. • Quality inspection of bulk production. • Provide for buyers’ good service for realizing all requests for all garments type. • Sourcing fabric from Chinese and Local suppliers. • Strategy development for acquiring new clients. • Preparation of assessments and the proposition of improvements to merchandising methods of the company.
Август 2017Июль 2018
1 год
USAID BGI Project | Deloitte Consulting LLP

Товары народного потребления (непищевые)... Показать еще

Consultant in the garment industry
-Support local Kyrgyz factories by providing technical assistance in merchandising Russian/European fashion retailers. -Support in input sourcing - Support in order management - Support in buyer communications - Select Kyrgyz factories and their products for promotion among targeted Russian retailers; - Prepare Kyrgyz factories for work with them; - Attract styles requests and ultimately test orders/regular orders; -Manage input sourcing and order fulfillment; -Coach both BGI staff and selected Kyrgyz factories in merchandising. -Advise on further actions and develop the next plans for scaling up of the overall results.
Декабрь 2015Июль 2017
1 год 8 месяцев

Китай, www.sela.ru

Розничная торговля... Показать еще

Garment production department, Product Manager
-Development of new styles and negotiations about price with garment suppliers in China, India, and Bangladesh; - Search for new suppliers in China and offshore; - Placement orders for suppliers and control the timing and quality of production; - Negotiating the claims and visit factories for quality checking during bulk production; - Close cooperation with technologists and designers; -Compliance with the all necessary timing to ensure efficient operation of production; -Participation in the collections development for new seasons.
Июль 2013Декабрь 2015
2 года 6 месяцев

Москва, www.sportmaster.ru

Розничная торговля... Показать еще

Garment production department, Product Manager
-Work with key suppliers of fabrics and accessories; - Search for new suppliers of fabrics, trims, and accessories; -Choose suppliers for bulk production, according to prices and results of development; - Close cooperation with factories about all questions and claims; - Monitoring of timing in all stages of development and production according to confirmed schedule; - Analysis of test results from independent laboratories for each material from first lots of bulk production; -Participation in the development of new collections; - Collection and formalization of requirements; -Requirements Validation with the development team; - Control of fulfillment of contractual conditions, uninterrupted control of the procurement process.
Сентябрь 2012Июль 2013
11 месяцев

Россия, dochkisinochki.ru

Розничная торговля... Показать еще

Garment production department, Head of production group
-Search and analysis of the sewing industry (analysis of the prices and quality of products); - Preparation and sign contracts with key suppliers; -Placement the new orders for bulk production on factories; - Control of supply raw materials and preparing it for sending it to factories - Quality control; - Control of production’s timing and delivery at the warehouse in accordance with the signed specifications; - Work with claims; - Control of residues of raw materials and accessories in the factories; - Reports on deliveries of goods in WH weekly; - Control of the cost of raw materials and accessories; - Development of new styles; - Documentation control (incoming and outgoing documents); -Control the payments; - Cooperate with the logistic team; - Business trips.
Октябрь 2011Сентябрь 2012
1 год

Россия, www.kupivip.ru

Розничная торговля... Показать еще

Own brand development department, Manager and Technologist
-Development of new styles and chooses better factories for bulk production; - Calculation of fabrics and trims for each style for sending to factories; - Control fabrics and trims in WH; - Preparing technical documentation for production; - Monitoring of production timing -QC control; - Control of shipments to the warehouse (logistics); - Business trips.
Ноябрь 1999Сентябрь 2011
11 лет 11 месяцев
shop "Sewing accessories"


Товары народного потребления (непищевые)... Показать еще

Wholesale center, Administrator
-Responsible for all prices in the shop - Working with customers - Working with key suppliers - Monitoring all work in WH - Preparing contracts for supplies - Analyzing sewing accessory markets.
Сентябрь 2010Август 2011
1 год

Москва, ooo-oranta.ru/

Товары народного потребления (непищевые)... Показать еще

Product Manager and Sales Manager
-Development of new styles, according to customers' requirements; - Create technical documentation; - Search and development of new supplies; - materials and accessories purchase for garment production, Calculation of material's norms and accessories, and setting; - Pricing for finished products; - Monitoring of bulk production; - Quality control; - Financial control between company and supplies; - Visit suppliers and factories


Уровни владения навыками
Product Management
Negotiation skills
MS PowerPoint
Product Marketing
Выставочная деятельность
Работа на выставках
Time management
Ведение переписки
Product Promotion
Материальная отвественность
Умение планировать
Деловая этика
Организаторские навыки
Грамотная речь
Ориентация на результат
Навыки продаж
Расчет себестоимости
Контроль качества
Публичные выступления
Организация встреч
Английский язык
Sales Management
Sales Skills

Обо мне

Опыт работы и проживания в странах ЮВА. Опыт работы международным консультантом .Имею знания в работе как со стороны производителя, так и со стороны Байера. Располагаю большим количеством контактов фабрик-производителей в Китае, Бангладеш, Индии, Кыргызстане. Имею практические навыки организации участия компании в международных выставках как представителя страны .

Знание языков


АнглийскийC2 — В совершенстве

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Россия

Разрешение на работу: Китай, Россия

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения